
About Us
Vision and Mission

Quantum technology is rapidly emerging as a frontier in global innovation, and Taiwan is poised to play a pivotal role in this advancement. With its strong semiconductor industry serving as a critical foundation, Taiwan is well-positioned to develop world-class solutions in quantum technology.


The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) has identified quantum technology as one of its eight major Forward-looking Research Platforms. Since 2021, the NSTC, in collaboration with Academia Sinica and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, has established the National Quantum Team. This team unites resources from government, universities, research institutions, and industry to elevate Taiwan's capabilities in quantum technology.


The primary missions are:
• Building quantum computing systems with practical problem-solving capabilities.
• Developing reliable quantum communication systems.
• Cultivating quantum talent and fostering industrial applications.


Taiwan aims to solidify its crucial position in the international landscape of technological innovation by playing a key role in the global quantum technology market. In essence, quantum technology is not only a current technological revolution but also a potential driver of future economic growth.


Abou Taiwan Quantum Program office (TQPO)

The development of quantum technology in Taiwan is a policy-driven initiative that requires the integration and collaboration of government ministries and academic research institutions. This coordinated approach is essential to effectively advancing both research and application in the field.

On September 14, 2021, under the guidance of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), former Minister Tsung-Tsong Wu officially announced the establishment of the Taiwan Quantum Program Office (TQPO). The Office is responsible for integrating and coordinating related units and overseeing the progress of both individual and collective programs. Its primary goal is to harness resources from all sectors to drive the research and development of quantum technology in Taiwan, ensuring the country makes significant strides in this cutting-edge domain.

The main tasks of the Taiwan Quantum Program Office include:

1. Integrating and coordinating quantum technology-related research across various departments and academic institutions.
2. Assisting in the establishment of high-performance research teams.
3. Enhancing coordination between projects.
4. Managing and monitoring the progress of individual projects and the overall program.

The Office is led by Convener Professor Shangjr Gwo, who oversees the development of quantum technology in Taiwan. An expert team has been formed to plan and monitor projects, enabling the Office to assess research capabilities and track progress. This team also plays a crucial role in coordinating and resolving issues, thereby ensuring the efficient use of resources from the government, academia, and industry.



Technology Development: Constructing quantum computing systems with practical problem-solving capabilities and trustable quantum communication systems
Enhancing the integration and coordination between research teams and effectively managing and evaluating project progress to achieve the ultimate goals.

International Engagement: Elevating Taiwan’s quantum technology capability
Creating mechanisms for Taiwan's teams to collaborate with leading international quantum technology teams, thereby strengthening Taiwan's ability to develop key technologies.


Talent Cultivation: Building a strong foundation of talent pool for Taiwan's future quantum technology industry
Developing mechanisms to cultivate high-level research and development talent, enhance the capabilities of quantum technology researchers, and encourage interdisciplinary collaboration to establish a robust talent pool for Taiwan's future quantum technology industry.

Industry Engagement: Bridging early-stage engagement in quantum technology for Taiwan industry
Organizing technical forums and achievement presentations to promote the dissemination and spillover effects of research and technology development outcomes for early industry engagement.


  The Taiwan Quantum Program Office is dedicated to advancing technology development, fostering international collaboration, cultivating talent, and encouraging industry participation to drive the comprehensive growth of quantum technology in Taiwan.